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Andrew Renfrew's Top 5 Albums

Andrew Renfrew runs us through his top 5 records of all time.

1. Green Day - 'American Idiot'

"Everyone has an attachment to the first album they owned. This was my first CD and had a major influence on wanting to learn the guitar a short while afterwards. Every song, front to back - it became a tutorial for how to play guitar, hours and hours listening to it and working out the chords and riffs by ear. Highlight track: Jesus of Suburbia"

2. The Living End - 'Modern Artillery'

"Arguably my all time favourite band, and the first songs that I was exposed to from them came from this record. This was a hard choice to pick one TLE album, but this album start to finish has some of my favourite tracks. Highlight track: The Room"

3. Metallica - 'Master of Puppets'

"Most people learning electric guitar ventured past this at some stage. I was lucky enough to see every track off this played live by the band over the times I’ve seen them, and Cliff Burton’s bass lines were a main reason for buying a bass of my own. The guitar solos of Damage Inc and the title track were something that I became obsessed with learning, along with basically all the album riffs. Highlight track: Orion"

4. Karnivool - 'Sound Awake'

"Admittedly a very late comer to Karnivool and this album, it quickly became my most listened to album. From the hypnotic drum rhythm of Goliath, to the sonic contrasts of New Day and the booming intro of Change, it’s one of my favourite albums front to back. Highlight track: Change"

5. King Stingray - 'King Stingray'

"By far my favourite album of 2022. All killer, no filler - this is an instant classic record. I was lucky enough to be driving the Central Arnhem Highway the day this was released, and it set the perfect soundtrack to the picturesque country. The soaring traditional Manikay song-lines and the raw power of the Yidaki, combined with the surf rock guitars showcase Australian music at its finest. I’ve seen King Stingray live 5 times this year and the atmosphere of their show is something you have to see. Highlight track: Raypirri"


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